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Direct assignment workflow

Requirements: Professional or Enterprise plan

The Direct assignment workflow will be familiar to long-term users of CaptionHub. Here, users are explicitly assigned roles by a superuser or a producer. Without this assignment, linguist will not be able to view captions video, far less edit them.

Notion image

Key steps

  1. A producer or superuser sets up the original captions
  1. Viewing permissions are granted to all linguists they want to work on the language versions
  1. Edit permissions are granted to the first linguist they want to work on this
  1. That linguist will receive a notification email, and they can start work; once they're done the linguist can:
    1. Approve – mark captions as Approved
    2. Handover – send captions to another linguist who's been assigned viewing permissions

Once a linguist has clicked Approve, they're unable to continue to make edits. However, a producer or superuser is able to click Unapprove and re-assign.


No user is able to click Approve, unless the captions obey any limits specified earlier. Producers or superusers are able to override these limits if necessary.

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