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Creating a project

A project in CaptionHub is defined as the set of captions and subtitles associated with one particular video.

As a Superuser, you can create a new project. Producers are also able to create projects, if they've been given permission to do so in Team Settings.

Projects can be created in different ways:

  1. From local media
  1. From a URL
  1. Via one of our connectors
  1. From a live video stream

1. To create a project from a file on your computer

  1. Navigate to the Dashboard
  1. Click on the "New project" button, to the top left of screen
  1. Give the project a name, and click on the "Select file" button
  1. You will then be able to choose the movie file from your computer
  1. Click on the "Create project" button to initialise the upload

2. To create a project from a URL

  1. Navigate to the Dashboard
  1. Click on the "New project" button, to the top left of screen
  1. Give the project a name, and enter the URL where your media file resides
  1. Click on the "Create project" button to initialise the upload

N.B. This functionality only works with a direct link to the media: an S3 bucket, or a Dropbox link, for example. CaptionHub is unable to 'scrape' webpages for video content, so YouTube or Vimeo links, for instance, will not work.

CaptionHub will also import media files from Google Drive (current file limit of 150MB). To bring in a file this way:

  1. In Google Drive, navigate to the video file you want to import
  1. Ensure that the Sharing settings on the link are set to "Anyone with the link can view" – more information is available here
  1. Right-click on the video file, and choose "Get shareable link" – this copies the link to the clipboard
  1. In CaptionHub, paste the link into the video URL field
  1. Click on the "Create project" button to initialise the upload

3. To create a project via a connector

  1. When an integration is enabled, a "New project from ..." button will appear
  1. Click on this button to select the integration you'd like to use
  1. You'll then be invited to choose a video file to import
  1. Choosing a video file will automatically import the video into CaptionHub, and create a project for you

NB. If you have Dynamic Ingest enabled, then your project will be ingested from the video platfrom automatically

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