
Requirements: Professional or Enterprise plan

In Vimeo:

  1. Ensure your account membership is at least Vimeo Standard. Although we do not currently restrict access if you are on lower tiers, you will receive very limited functionality.

In CaptionHub:

  1. Go to the Dashboard ⇒ New Project From ⇒ Vimeo. If this option is not available, request for your team to have this feature enabled.
  1. You will be prompted to (optionally) sign into Vimeo, and then to give CaptionHub permission to access your video data.
  1. You can now select and import videos into CaptionHub as normal
  1. Captions can be published back to Vimeo as normal in CaptionHub. Please note - Vimeo’s language mapping can be delicate. We have attempted to map Vimeo’s languages to our own, but it’s possible this is not 100% correct. Any issues in languages when Publishing can be corrected on CaptionHub’s side if necessary.
Please note that you will only have access to videos you’ve uploaded yourself. This is intended behaviour from Vimeo’s side.
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