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Voiceover editing

Fine tune your voiceover output.


Requirements: Enterprise subscription

Once synthetic voiceover is generated, you can make modifications using the available tools within the voiceover editor.

Access the Voiceover Editor

  1. Navigate into a project.
  1. Open the Caption Editor for original captions or the specific language version you wish to edit voiceover for.
  1. Go to Display Options.
  1. Under Editor type, select Voiceover.
  1. If a voiceover has not been created, superusers, producers, and/or language supervisors will be prompted to generate synthetic voice. Follow these instructions to create a voiceover.

Editing the text block

You can directly modify the text within each block to refine the generated speech.

  • Any text changes you make will mark a block as stale (shown in brown), requiring regeneration.
  • To regenerate a stale clip, select the regenerate icon to the right of a text block.
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  • Regenerating a clip/text block will deduct minutes from your account. For minor changes, this will be a fraction of a second or a few seconds. You will only be charged for the duration of the voiceover section being regenerated, not the entire output length.
  • If you change a block’s tempo via the timeline, you can reset it to restore the original speech pacing.
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Waveform editing

Please note that the following editing functionality, available through the waveform, incur no additional cost.

  • Shorten or extend a text block: Adjust the duration of a segment to better match the desired timing by placing your cursor on the outer edge of a text block and moving the block in our out.
  • Insert a pause: Right-click on the timeline to add a 0.5-second pause at the cursor (indicated by a green tick). You can adjust the pause (shown in purple) by selecting and dragging the outer edge of the pause block out, or pull it in to reduce it the pause to a minimum of 0.2 seconds. To delete a pause, right-click on the pause block and select Delete pause.
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  • Reset tempo: Right-click on the timeline to restore the segment to the original speed generated during voiceover creation.
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Track controls

Each track comes with the following controls:

  • Solo track: Isolate a single track to listen to it independently.
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  • Mute track: Silence a track without deleting it. Note that unless you mute the source track, the final audio file will still include its audio.
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  • Adjust track volume: Modify the volume levels for balance within the mix.
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Error handling

  • Overlapping voiceover blocks will be flagged as errors.
  • These errors must be corrected before exporting to ensure proper synchronisation.
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  • You can use the undo and redo functionality to reverse or reapply your editing actions, both accessible in the top right corner of the voiceover editor.
  • Keyboard shortcuts are not currently compatible within the voiceover editor.
  • Linguists cannot interact with generated voiceovers. If you need a linguist to review a generated voiceover, consider changing their role to Language Supervisor. Please note that Language Supervisors:
    • Have visibility into any caption sets/projects that match their language proficiency
    • Can download caption sets
    • Will trigger billing events for any text modifications made to a voiceover clip, users will always be notified before this occurs
    • More details on Language Supervisor permissions can be found here
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