Direct assignment workflow
Requirements: Professional or Enterprise plan
The Direct assignment workflow will be familiar to long-term users of CaptionHub. Here, users are explicitly assigned roles by a superuser or a producer. Without this assignment, linguist will not be able to view captions video, far less edit them.

Key steps
- A producer or superuser sets up the original captions
- Viewing permissions are granted to all linguists they want to work on the language versions
- Edit permissions are granted to the first linguist they want to work on this
- That linguist will receive a notification email, and they can start work; once they're done the linguist can:
- Approve – mark captions as Approved
- Handover – send captions to another linguist who's been assigned viewing permissions
Once a linguist has clicked Approve, they're unable to continue to make edits. However, a producer or superuser is able to click Unapprove and re-assign.
No user is able to click Approve, unless the captions obey any limits specified earlier. Producers or superusers are able to override these limits if necessary.
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