Self serve with review workflow
The Self Serve with Review workflow builds on Self Serve. As with Self Serve, it's designed for larger organisations with huge numbers of linguists or volunteers, or even for smaller teams who wish to work more flexibly. As the name suggests, Self Serve requires less intervention on the part of superusers or producers, allowing linguists to edit captions that they've chosen to work on themselves.
A key feature of Self Serve is that captions are viewable to linguists or reviewers without them having been explicitly assigned.

Key steps
- A producer or superuser sets up the original captions
- The producer or superuser selects the captions, and hits the Mark as Claimable button; the captions are now in a Claimable state
- The captions will now appear on the dashboard of any linguist in the team, with matching language proficiencies – i.e if French captions are marked as Claimable, and I speak French, then they'll appear on my dashboard
- Linguists now have the opportunity to preview the video and, if they choose, to hit the Claim button; they now have edit permissions
- Linguists now have edit permissions, and can work on the captions; when they're done, they can:
- Submit – mark captions as Ready for Review
- Leave – mark captions as Claimable again, so another linguist can pick up where they've left off
- Once captions are in the Ready for Review state, then reviewers (with the correct language proficiencies) are able to Claim captions – in exactly the same way that linguists can
- Once captions have been claimed, Reviewers are able to:
- Approve – mark captions as Approved
- Leave – mark captions as Ready for Review again, allowing another reviewer to claim the captions
- Request changes – send the captions back to the original linguist
- Decline – this deletes all captions, and reverts back to the Claimable state
Once a linguist has clicked Approve, they're unable to continue to make edits. However, a producer or superuser is able to click Unapprove and re-assign.
No user is able to click Approve, unless the captions obey any limits specified earlier. Producers or superusers are able to override these limits if necessary.