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Managing viewing / editing permissions for linguists

Manage what a linguist can do

One of CaptionHub's main strengths is its ability to manage the creation and approval workflow for subtitle translation. Key to this is the way linguists are assigned to projects.


Unless you’re using our Self Serve workflows, by default a CaptionHub user with a 'Linguist' profile can see nothing. They can log in to CaptionHub but, unless they have been given viewing or editing permissions, they won't have any further access. For any given language, we can give an unlimited number of users viewing permissions. But only one person at a time can be given editing permissions*.

Manage linguist permissions, step by step guide

Here's how to manage the linguist assignment process:

  1. First, create your linguists (under the Users tab in the main nav).
  1. Next, navigate to the Translations tab for a project.
    1. The translations tab, on the project page.
      The translations tab, on the project page.
  1. If you haven't already created your translations, do so now by clicking on the ➕ Add translations button.
  1. In the Current linguist column, there's a red Not assigned link next to the language name. Click on it.
    1. The “Not assigned” link on a translation, clicking this will open the permission management modal.
      The “Not assigned” link on a translation, clicking this will open the permission management modal.
  1. This will pop up a window which allows you to give and remove viewing permissions from your the linguists in your Team. At this point, linguists will be able to see your videos, but not edit anything.
    1. The permissions management modal.
      The permissions management modal.
  1. You'll now be able to choose which linguist to give edit permissions to. Please note that selecting a name here will send that linguist an email, notifying them that they've been given a set of subtitles to edit.
Once we have a user with view permissions, they can now be added as the “Editor” of the project, by assigning the user the edit permissions as well.
Once we have a user with view permissions, they can now be added as the “Editor” of the project, by assigning the user the edit permissions as well.

Bulk management of permissions

To manage permissions in bulk across multiple translations, choose the Manage linguists option from the main project page drop down menu.

The “Manage linguist” button, that allows user to bulk assign permissions across multiple languages at once.
The “Manage linguist” button, that allows user to bulk assign permissions across multiple languages at once.

* If you wish to have multiple users working on the same set of subtitles, then you may wish to use the Segment tool to divide a video into multiple segments, each one of which can be assigned in the same way as an ordinary video.

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