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Spellcheck in CaptionHub

Integrated spellcheck

CaptionHub has an built-in multi-lingual spellcheck engine. To use it, navigate to the drop-down cog menu on the Edit page, and select Spellcheck. This will highlight any misspelled words, and you can easily enter replacement text and hit “Replace”.

N.B. CaptionHub supports multi-lingual spellcheck for around fifty languages. If you don’t see the Spellcheck option in the menu, then you may be translating in a language we don’t have a spellcheck dictionary for. In these cases, we’d recommend using External spellcheck (see below).

External spellcheck

Some of our customers prefer to do an external spellcheck, using third party tools, e.g a word processor. If you'd like to run a final spellcheck after you've finished translating, then click on the cog drop-down menu, and select Export text for spellcheck.

This will download a text version of your caption set, which you'll be able to spellcheck in a text editor or word processor.

⚠️ To enable linguists to be able to export text for spellcheck, your team needs to have the All users can download captions team setting enabled.

Once you've finished, you have the option to save the file (in its original format), and re-import back into CaptionHub. In which case, select Import text from spellcheck, and CaptionHub will replace all the subtitles in your captionset with the corrected ones.

Warning: Microsoft Word treats text files in a non-standard way, and CaptionHub is likely to fail a spellcheck round trip. Please use an alternative word processor.

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