Warnings and limits

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Projects can be configured with caption limits. CaptionHub continually checks whether captions obey these limits, and will warn you immediately if they don't. The realtime QC button will turn red, and the appropriate caption will be highlighted in red, on the timeline or the spreadsheet view – depending on what CaptionHub thinks is wrong.


Clicking on the realtime QC button will tell you, in plain language, what needs to be fixed. Each issue has a hyperlink that will take you to the appropriate caption on the spreadsheet view.

Tip: use the alerts filter above the spreadsheet view to highlight any captions that have issues. As you correct issues, they’ll disappear from view. Once you’re done, you can toggle off the filter to view all captions.
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Limit constraint severities

Each limit can be set up with a unique severity. If realtime validation is left unchecked, this means that it’s only an instructive value, and will be used by automatic transcriptions to inform the style of captions.


If validation is enabled, setting it to “Error” means that any captions that fail validation can’t be approved. Setting this to “Warning” means that CaptionHub will let the user approve captions, but will also warn them that validation has failed.

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Example of three caption limit constraints with different settings, Maximum caption duration is set to “Error” which means a breach would disallow approval of the captions, whereas a breach of Minimum caption duration would only result in a “warning”. Maximum character count is only an instructive value in this instance.

The limits that CaptionHub checks for are:


Character length per line

The maximum number of characters in a single line of a caption. (Captions may have one or two lines, depending on the "Number of lines" limit. If you exceed the allowed amount, the character count for that line will turn red. 


Number of lines

The number of lines in a single caption. If this is exceeded, the entire caption box will turn red. Careful: an extra carriage return (new line) at the end of the caption will add an extra line, which might cause errors. 


Caption duration

The minimum or maximum time a caption can appear on screen for. The original caption set has been set up with all captions at least the correct length. Should you alter the timings, any caption that lasts less than the minimum duration, or longer than the maximum duration, will turn red in the timeline.


Frame gaps

CaptionHub can be configured to warn the user if captions are too close together, usually according to a broadcast standard. A minimum frame gap can be configured, and CaptionHub will enforce this where possible, and warn the user if not.


Reading speed

CaptionHub has optional controls to enforce a maximum reading speed for your captions. Reading speed can be defined as either Characters Per Second (CPS), Words Per Minute (WPM), or both.


Presence of metadata

Some workflows require video metadata – title & description – to be translated. If "Require metadata" is enabled in Team Settings, then captions can only be approved if these fields have been filled in.

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