CaptionHub Live
Supported players
Supported players in CaptionHub Live
Available plugins for live video players
Brightcove player support for live captions
How we support the Brightcove player
Video.js player support for live captions
How we support the Video.js player
THEOplayer support for live captions
How we support THEOplayer
Supported HLS streams
Supported HLS streams
Which streams are supported by CaptionHub Live
Live captions for a Brightcove HLS stream
How to live caption a HLS stream from Brightcove
Live captions for a Mux HLS stream
How to live caption a HLS stream from Mux
Live captions for a AWS MediaPackage HLS stream
How to live caption a HLS stream from AWS MediaPackage
Brightcove Live
Caption a Brightcove live stream
Guide on how to add subtitles to a Brightcove stream
Requirements for a Brightcove Live stream
How to configure Brightcove Live
Configure the CaptionHub Live plugin for the Brightcove player
Add the CaptionHub Live plugin to a Brightcove player to add live captions
Update the CaptionHub plugin in Brightcove
Make sure the CaptionHub Live plugin is up to date
Brightcove Live pre-flight checklist - before you start a stream
What to do before starting a stream
Increase the HLS segment size in Brightcove
Improve caption quality for your Brightcove live stream